Sunday, May 24, 2009


I'm not sure if updating this blog once a month is going to be good enough....but it will have to do for now!

I left off last time at 25 weeks, and am now 29 weeks along with my baby boy. He is so much stronger than before, it's amazing. I am constantly wondering if this boy ever gets any rest! I can now simply sit and watch my belly move all over the place. And of course, Chris gets to feel the movements much more frequently now.

Since my last post, I've had 2 doctor's appointments. At the most recent appointment (20th May) I had my 28 week blood sugar test. I've not heard back from the doctor yet, so I'm hoping everything went well with that. I got to hear the heartbeat again, like all the other appointments, but this time it was so loud and strong! It really is amazing.

On the 14th May, the director at my work very kindly held a baby shower for me! Teachers and parents were invited to my classroom at 4pm for cake and punch. I was overwhelmed by the gifts that I received from both parents and other teachers. I have been extremely spoiled!

As most of you know, my work is closing on the 2nd of July. This means that 1oo-something kids have had to find other schools/daycares etc, and I don't know how many teachers have had to find other jobs. I pretty much had to decide what to do as soon as we found out the daycare was closing because I already knew I was pregnant and I needed insurance and to keep a full-time position to keep my work visa. I couldn't simply work up until we closed because then I'd have a baby but no job etc etc. So a couple of months ago I decided it best to simply transfer to the daycare down in Oklahoma City which is also run by the YMCA. Other than having a little extra travel, this seemed like the best option as nothing would have to change on my work visa, and I would be able to keep my insurance. They were also fine with the fact that by the time I would transfer down there, I'd only work a couple of months before having a baby.

When I met with the director downtown, she said that I would probably transfer sometime in June. She was great because she didn't want to take me away from my current job until my director was ready for me to leave, and she was willing to take me any time my director needed to let me go!

My last day at OPUBCO Child Development Centre was Friday, 22nd May, 2009. I had been there since April 2007 and I am happy and sad to be leaving. I'm OK with leaving now because we've had a couple of months to think about it and because things have been a little more difficult since we found out the daycare was closing (teachers needing to take their time off - which they'd lose if they don't take them before we close, not enough teachers when someone calls in sick, longer hours because our part-time afternoon teachers have left, combining classes and having 2s, 3s, and 4s in the one room, etc etc). I'm sad to go, but I'm ready. I start downtown this coming Tuesday, 26th May. It's nice because I get the long weekend in between the two jobs.

In other news, Chris and I will be moving from our house to an apartment. The owner of the house wasn't willing to negotiate a shorter lease (only offering 1 year lease), even though we've been here for a year and would like another 7 months or so. I'm not unhappy with the move because the apartments are very nice and we'll still have enough space for a little family. Most importantly, the apartments still have a pool! and they also have washer and dryer hook-ups inside, so we won't be sharing a laundry room with anybody else!! :) We'll be moving on the 6th of June.

It seems like a lot of big changes. Start new job on Tuesday, move the weekend after next, and get ready to have a baby. I really want the move to happen now so that I can start setting up the baby room! Oh and my doctor's appointment are now every 2 weeks, which means it's getting closer.
And, here are a couple of belly shots to end with!

13th May 2009 - 27 weeks

24th May 2009 - almost 29 weeks