Sunday, February 21, 2010

Guess Who Managed to Sit Up??!!

Just after reaching 6 months, Emmett started teething again, which kept him (and us) up at night.  Every time he woke up he would start crying and not stop until we came and got him.  That was not too fun.  Then he became congested and couldn’t breath through his nose.  Because he couldn’t breathe very well through his nose, he took fewer bottles and ate less in general.  Then we had his 6 month checkup, and since he hadn’t had a fever with his congestion, I went ahead and had them give him his vaccinations/shots.  So, back at home, I had a teething, congested, and freshly vaccinated baby to deal with!  Poor thing.  He wasn’t too happy, and has taken a couple of days to start feeling better.  He is still a little congested, but he is starting to eat more…..which always makes me feel better!

And at 6 months, the official weight and height are as follows:  20.8 pounds/9.5 kgs, 28.5 inches/72.4 cms.

I really don’t think it will be long before Emmett starts crawling since he now gets up on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth.  He sometimes rocks so much that he launches himself forward and bonks his head on stuff.  He also goes backwards a little,  and has an easy time spinning around in circles to reach his toys.

14 February 2010 001
14 February 2010 002

This video shows him up on his hands and knees and how he managed to get himself up to a sitting position!!  He probably won’t do that again for some time, but it was exciting to see!


As I mentioned in the previous post, I made baby food last weekend.  We’ve now tried sweet potato, butternut squash, pear, apple, and banana.  He’s very happy eating the sweet potato, but he’s taking a little longer to get used to the butternut squash.  Sometimes he eats it, sometimes not!  He eats his pears, and is not minding the apple.  But he did not like the bananas at all!!!  even when I mixed them with some cereal!

Emmett’s Ouma made us some food as well, so we’ve also got the freezer packed full of carrots, squash, green beans, and broccoli!

15 February 2010 006

12 February 2010 012.1

19 February 2010 004

And here’s a fun video of Emmett being silly with his Uncle Les and Aunty Jackie!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

First Fruit

After trying sweet potato for a couple of days, it was time to try some fruit.  I started Emmett on pears, and this was his reaction!!!  :)

And I went to the store today and bought carrots, butternut squash, more sweet potato, bananas, apples, and more pears!   This weekend I’m making baby food!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Latest Developments

Emmett is 6 days from being 6 months old! He has his 6 month checkup on the 15th February, so we’ll be able to get all the “official” measurements then, but as of a couple of days ago, he weighs 21.5 lbs / 9.8 kgs.

20 January 2010 008

28 January 2010 006

Putting away some of Emmett’s little clothes. Current pajamas on left!!!

19 January 2010 001 
Emmett on the 24th September 2009, and then the 24th January 2010.

Emmett 24Sept09      24 January 2010 004.1

He’s got the wiggles: Emmett has recently developed a new wiggling technique where his arms and legs are all up in the air wiggling (it looks like he’s trying to swim). He seems to do this when he wants to move – at least that’s what we’ve decided. Instead of keeping his hands on the floor to help him move, he throws all limbs up! Very funny. It is sad at the same time because he’s getting a little frustrated by the lack of moving that’s happening when he’s clearly trying so hard.

We have seen Emmett get up on his hands and knees a couple times (for a few seconds each time), and we have also witnessed him moving backwards (a little…). We are obviously very proud of our little man!!

Supported Sitting:
At the end of January I got out the Boppy pillow and had Emmett practice his sitting in it. To my surprise, he was already quite good at it, and very ready for some supported sitting! He now lasts much longer playing with his toys on the floor because he’s sitting up and not laying down. He does occasionally fall back or roll sideways out of the pillow, but as long as he doesn’t roll onto some of the harder toys, he’s fine for a while in the new position.

28 January 2010 013 
28 January 2010 015

Solid Food:

I had Emmett eating a little rice cereal once a day for a week, then decided that I didn’t need to rush the fruits and vegetables (since he wasn’t quite 6 months), and started him on baby oatmeal once a day for the next week. Then I decided that we’d waited long enough and tried some sweet potato on the 2nd February. He took the first couple of spoonfuls OK, but then started doing these funny full body shivers so I stopped and gave him a bottle!! :) It was really quite funny to see his reaction to the new (and strong) taste. After a few days and thinning the sweet potato a little more with formula, he started eating all his food no problem.

Eating some oatmeal… (and being a little silly with Daddy’s hat on!)

29 January 2010 027 
29 January 2010 031 
Eating all his sweet potato….

Tomorrow I’ll prepare some pear for him to try next.

And some more photos (just because I can)…
…Sitting up

02 February 2010 009 
…Playing with his friend

06 February 2010 013 
And…what happens when his Dad watches him for a few seconds! :) He loves it!

07 February 2010 015       07 February 2010 016

Lastly, I want to mention that I finally bought Emmett his first toothbrush. Just like at mealtimes, I sit Emmett in the Bumbo seat to have his teeth brushed.  He is such a good boy and only tries to bite the toothbrush a little! He actually lets me brush his two teeth and even some of his gums!  Chris helped me get a video of the teeth brushing.  I didn’t realise I was getting my big head in most of the picture though – sorry!