Friday, November 13, 2009

3 Months

This is just too cute.  I love him!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Working Mum

Let me just say that being a stay-at-home mum is wonderful.  Firstly, for the obvious reason of being able to look after my baby all day.  Secondly, being able to do all the housework during the week and save weekends to play with baby and husband.  Laundry, grocery shopping, cooking, visits to the bank and post office (or any place only open during the week), etc. are all so much easier to do when you have all day to do them.  Now I’m back to doing all my housework on the weekends (like everyone else).  I know this is what I had to do before, but it really is quite different having to work, find time to do all the regular stuff, and have a baby!  I think there will be a few frozen pizzas in our future – at least until we get used to the new routine!  I know it’s obvious, but I definitely prefer to be a full time mum.

So now I am about to start my 3rd week back at work.  My hours are back to 8:30am – 5:30pm, but that means I leave at 8:00am and get back at 6:00pm.  The days seem quite long – getting up during the night for baby, feeding baby in the morning, getting myself and pumping supplies ready for work, working with 16 2-year olds all day, coming home, spending 2 hours with my baby, putting him to bed and then “relaxing” and then getting ready for the next day again!  Thankfully we had Kay stay with us these first 2 weeks and she was a huge help!  Emmett was taken care of during the day and dinner was ready for us when I got home!  From now until my parents get here on the 9th of December, my friend is taking care of Emmett during the day.  So tomorrow we start a whole new routine and I hope Emmett adjusts to it OK. 

Work is not too bad.  This time I knew what to expect so it hasn’t been as tough as when I first started – plus I’m not 9 months pregnant in 100F/40C degree heat!!  I have had some issues with my break schedule but I think we may have worked it out – or I am just going to do the best with what they’re giving me. 

Emmett is almost 3 months and is doing great.  He loves his Ouma and he can’t wait to meet his Aussie Grandma and Grandad in December.  He hates the wind (which has really been picking up lately), he loves bath time, he loves to sleep in his big boy cot/crib, he loves to wiggle like crazy, he loves to smile and make adorable noises, he loves sitting or standing so he can look around – he doesn’t like to miss things, and he still loves his octopus.

Here is Emmett in his carrier at 2 days old and at 12 weeks!!

Emmett Ian Malan 140- car seat Emmett 7Nov09 004

2.5 weeks and 12 weeks

Emmett Ian Malan 287- slightly unhappy Emmett 7Nov09 005.1

Emmett 7Nov09 002.1


CRW_0080 - 12wks 7Nov09

Emmett 22Oct09 2mths 018

Emmett 20Oct09 2mths 015.1  Emmett 23Oct09 2mths 024

Emmett 20Oct09 2mths 009

Emmett 7-8Nov09 007  Emmett 7-8Nov09 003


In 5 days I’m going to be the mother of a 3 month old!!!!