Sunday, April 26, 2009

Let's Start From The Very Beginning

When setting up this new blog, I was going to make the first post about the good news I got in December (and it will still mostly be about that), but then I remembered xanga and when and what I last posted. I graduated from OC a year ago (the 25th April 2008) and it has obviously been a whole year since I blogged anything! So here's to a new beginning because now I really do have an excuse to keep my family and friends updated on the wonderful things that are happening in my life right now.

A quick look back:
In May 2008, we moved out of the horrid old OC apartments into a 3-bedroom rental house (we are still here and it is still amazing). I started working full time at my child development centre with the 2 and 3 year olds. I basically spent the entire summer working and swimming in the pool, and I decided again that I definitely prefer to work full-time than be a student. Definitely.

Chris started a Masters program in September - in Organisational Development. The program is amazing and I am so glad that he had this chance to be a part of it. He has had to travel every couple of months for it, but that has worked out really well.

THEN I got to go home to see my family for the entire month of December! We decided that I really needed to go by myself for various reasons: money, work, and Chris needing a visa just to visit. A quick-ish side note: a couple of weeks before my trip I got strep throat (a bacterial infection in the throat and the tonsils)- which I blamed the kids at my work for! I went to the doctor and got antibiotics. After I finished the medication, the strep came right back. I repeated the above step with the doctor and antibiotics but the strep came back a third time. It was getting really annoying because I could not get rid of the infection even with medication and the third time it came back was right before my trip. I joked about having to leave the country and my husband to get better - since either someone at work (kids or teachers) or Chris were carriers of the infection. Sure enough, once in Australia and once finished with the 3rd dose of antibiotics, the strep had gone! I never did find out who the carrier was, but was so thankful to be rid of the stupid strep.

I spent December 2008 with my family in Australia. I met more nieces and nephews and had an amazing time! When I went back to Oz in August 2006 my first nephew and niece were 9 months and 2 months respectively - this time they were 3 and 2&1/2! And they each had a new sibling for me to meet. They were all a lot of fun - and I hope that they still remember me!

While spending a week with my sister, I found out that I was pregnant!!!! I also found out that my sister was pregnant too (she already has 2 children). It was a fun way to find out! As soon as I could, I hopped on skype with the web-cam set up and called Chris to tell him our news! :) It was strange having to tell him from so far away, but it was nice that we had the web-cam and I could see his reaction!! He said, "Are you sure?" and I said, "Yes, because I'm with Cath, and she knows!" I thought it was pretty funny.

I loved that I was with my family when I found out - because I could actually tell them in person. It was very special. I waited until I was back in the U.S. so that I could also tell Chris's family in person.

I don't want to spend much time on my weight, but I will say that I was fully prepared to pack on the pounds while in Australia (eating all the things that I miss) - and so finding out that I was pregnant definitely didn't help things!!! So the weight gain began straight away and obviously hasn't stopped yet!!! :)

Fortunately, I really didn't experience much morning sickness. Unfortunately, back in the U.S., I pretty much went straight back to working 8 hours a day and felt extremely tired for weeks! Other than that, my pregnancy really has been smooth so far.

So, on the 7th of December, 2008 I went with my sister and bought a home pregnancy test that showed up as positive! For some reason, I just took the one test - maybe I was very happy with the result and needed no further convincing. Speaking with a couple of friends recently, I found out that some people take numerous tests (some as many as 8) to make sure the results are consistent or correct!!

The following week (still in Australia) I scheduled a doctors appointment and had a blood test to find out that everything seemed "normal." I also found out my blood type for the first time in my life.

I had my first U.S. doctors appointment on the 15th January, 2009. Chris came with me and we got to see the tiny baby and it's little heart beating on the screen. The doctor dated the pregnancy at 10 weeks and 3 days. The baby was about 3.5 cms long.

At my next appointment on the 5th February, I got to hear the little heart beating! At such an early stage of pregnancy, it really seems like forever between appointments since it was way too early to feel the baby or know for sure that things were still OK.

At another regular check-up on the 5th of March, Chris got to hear the heartbeat.

Finally, on the 10th of March, we got to find out what we were having! I was so excited to find out, and I really felt relieved once I knew! The doctor said, "It looks like a BOY!" I still really hope she is right!!! :)
I really didn't mind what we were having - I just really love knowing and not having to think/worry about it any more.

I had my next appointment on the 2nd of April and that brings me up-to-date. I'm not quite sure when I start having check-ups every 2 weeks, but at the moment they are still once a month.

Oh, I did note that I had become aware of feeling movement around the 16th of March - when I was around 19 weeks along. Feeling a baby move inside you is very strange and very cool. Now at 25 weeks, I feel him all the time! Mostly when I'm sitting. Chris has felt him too, which was very special. It's strange that I get to feel him move all the time, and not miss a single movement, but Chris has to wait patiently with his hand on my belly, sometimes not feeling anything. Then as soon as he takes his hand away, the baby moves, of course! :) I realise that as the baby gets bigger and bigger, it will be easier for Chris to see and feel him move.

So, here I am just about to enter my 25th week of pregnancy. People can definitely tell that I'm preggas now without me having to say anything. It is kind of strange being so obvious - but nice that I don't have to explain myself! :)

After getting past some annoying seasonal allergies (with constant congestion) and some achey back muscles, I'm really feeling great right now.

We have a name picked out but some people (not mentioning any names, Mum) would like that to be a surprise!! So, if you don't know and would like to, ask me next time we talk/email/facebook, etc.

I could go on and talk about my work situation, but I think I've said enough for now! I've had to do a lot of thinking and it's been really quite stressful trying to figure out what to do. I'll explain later. In the meantime, please pray that we get green cards! :)

Please don't expect each post to be this size!! I had a lot to catch up on. Finally, here are some photos of the pregnancy so far!

10th March 2009, 18 weeks

21st March 2009, almost 20 weeks

18th April 2009, 24 weeks!


  1. I love your blog and you look RADIANT and beautiful by the way! There's lots of fun parallels with Ella's pregnancy - I found out Dec 5th we were pregnant...and March 17th what we were having and the due date was Aug 10th! :) I'll look forward to hearing more about your pregnancy.
    So excited for you guys! Love Nicole

  2. Hi Michelle and Chris and bub,

    You look absolutely radiant Michelle. I hope things go as well in the rest of your pregnancy as they have so far. Will be thinking of you all.

    Uncle Bob
