Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Life after ch-ch-ch-changes...

Here's where we're at: 33 weeks pregnant, 3 weeks since the change of address, and a month since changing jobs.

I believe that in my last post I said that I was ready to leave my old work. Boy was I wrong about that one. I hate that my old daycare is closing. I so wish it wasn't - mainly because it really was a nice place and doesn't deserve to be closed down, but also because it would have been so much easier for me at this particular pregnant time in my life. But I really need to stop myself from thinking about how nice things would be if it wasn't closing.
I don't want to go into too much detail about the new place, but one of the main things I need to say is that I was blessed with an amazing co-teacher at my old work. We worked so well together and everything went rather smoothly....we alternated weeks for lesson planning, and we each fully prepared for our lessons etc etc. We really helped each other to make things work. When leaving, I told her that I would probably not find anyone like her, but I didn't expect to be so right.
I also have to tell myself that I'm doing this for the baby. I decided to transfer to this work to keep my insurance, to be entitled to maternity leave (have to be somewhere for at least 12 months), to ensure a full time position and make things less complicated while on the work visa....etc etc. I will say that work is getting a little better and the kids are finally starting to listen to me, but it has been so hard and I've really not been having any fun. And I also have to keep telling myself that I really don't have much longer before I get to have a baby and be a stay-at-home mum for a couple of months at least. Oh and don't even get me started on being told I can only have 6 weeks off work for baby....when the FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act) tells me I can have up to 12 weeks. Chris has read the entire Act and is confident that I can take 12 weeks if I want to. When I sat down with the HR person at my work and was told that I could have 6 weeks off and could come back earlier if I wanted, or if I needed more than 6 weeks I had to have a note from my doctor, I wanted to cry. 6-week-old babies are not very big....this makes me very sad. If there are any more problems, I think I'll have my work talk directly to Chris!! :) See! I told you not to get me started!!!

Now for something I like talking about! My pregnancy is still going really well. With that said, I'm actually a lot more achey than I was before, and sleep really is getting harder....but I'm still enjoying it. Sleeping on my side is actually painful at times!! I now have 3 pillows around me, and 4 sleeping bags under me for extra padding!! :) I get up at least 3 times during the night. I feel sorry for Chris as I'm constantly moving around to get comfortable or getting up, and have taken up way more than 1/2 of the bed!!
I love summer and it is definitely my favourite season....however, summer officially started on the 21st of June and the temperatures have since been in the 100s F/40s C. Now, working with kids from 8:30-5:30 everyday and only sitting about 2 of those hours, I'm definitely feeling the heat and am absolutely exhausted and sore at the end of each day. I have noticed some swelling in my ankles, but some days aren't so bad and it comes and goes. I try to drink as much water as I can and hope for the best! I always hear stories about women needing to remove their rings due to their hands swelling, but for some reason I didn't really believe that I would ever have to remove mine! However, I decided (maybe a little too late, since removal was slightly painful) to remove my wedding rings about 2 days ago! It is a strange feeling not wearing them, but definitely more comfortable during the day!
Even though we still need to set up the baby room, I can say that I have washed and sorted all things baby - clothes, blankets, etc. It's a great feeling having all that done, but I get the strangest feeling that this is only the beginning of something very big...and the next time I wash those clothes they won't be so nice before washing!! :)

We had the baby shower on Saturday, the 2oth of June, and it was absolutely beautiful! The ladies in my family (on this side of the world) did an amazing job. Everything was beach-themed and adorable! And I have some pretty great friends!! Thanks to all for the beautiful gifts!
Here are a few pics:

The blue punch

Chocolates made by Chris's grandmother. So delicious.
One of my diaper/nappy cakes!

My beautiful sisters-in-law

There doesn't seem to be too much rest in sight until the baby gets here (and after, of course!!). On top of working everyday and going to doctor's appointments, here's what's happening the next couple of weeks:

Saturday, 27th June: Michelle goes to a childcare training seminar from 8-3 to get required training hours for work.

Saturday, 4th July: Kay comes to help set up the baby room. I'm excited about this because it's been driving me a little crazy not having it set up!!! :) I'd like to feel a little more ready for baby!

Saturday, 11th July: Michelle enrolled her husband and herself in a birthing class! I actually think it goes from 9-5!!! Don't tell Chris. Only tell him that I was thinking of him when I chose the one day class, instead of the 4 week class.

Tuesday, 14th July: Michelle also enrolled her husband and herself in a baby feeding class! I think this is only 2 hours...hehe.

I also know that sometime in July I have to renew my CPR/first aid stuff with work (which is going to be interesting with a huge pregnant belly), and I have so many crafty, knitty, sewy projects I really want to do before the baby comes!!

As usual, a belly shot to end with:

Me on the 17th of June - 32 weeks pregnant
27th June 2009 - almost 34 weeks

1 comment:

  1. You're looking good. I'm sorry that things at work are stressful and not as enjoyable. I'll pray about the maternity leave situation. Try not to stress about it too much right now. I remember thinking that I would never have to remove my wedding rings...alas I sure did. Something about being pregnant in the middle of the summer I guess! :)
