Saturday, January 23, 2010

Solid Food for a Solid Boy

As mentioned in the previous post, I started Emmett on rice cereal this week, and he is enjoying it so far!  We’re taking it nice and easy and having the cereal once a day, but I think I’ll increase that next week.  Then pretty soon we’ll get more exciting with some fruit and veggies!  That sounds nice and messy!! 

This video is day 3 of “solid” food.  I made it thicker than the first day and he still did really well.  He definitely prefers his bottles and food to be quite warm!

And here is a bonus video.  He thinks we’re crazy when we blow our nose! 

1 comment:

  1. well michelle I've seen the way you blow your nose, and he has a right to think you're kinda crazy! = ) He is too too precious!
