Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Emmett Ian

He is here!! And will be a week old tomorrow!!!

Emmett Ian was born on Thursday the 13th of August, 2009 at 2:53pm. He weighed 9lbs 1oz and was 22.5 in (57cms). He was also born with a full head of blonde hair – adorable. I gave him this middle name after his Australian Grandad!! I love you, Dad.

The rest of the post is mostly for my own records – but also for my wonderful family in Australia as it’s hard to get all the details when only communicating by phone.

Here is a fairly detailed description of the labour and delivery of Emmett Ian:

On my last doctor’s appointment before my due date, I set up another appointment just in case I went over. Sure enough, my due date comes and goes and I end up going to yet another doctor’s appointment. At my last appointment I was 1 & 1/2 cms dilated. At this next appointment it was my understanding that we would talk about inducing.

On the 12th August at 1pm I went and saw my doctor. She told me that if I was more than 1 & 1/2 cms dilated I could go to the hospital the next morning. But if there was no change, then she had already made arrangements for me to go to the hospital that night. The examination showed no change, so I was to go to the hospital at 8pm that night. I went home and made sure I had everything ready to go.

At 8pm on Wednesday, the 12th August I was admitted into Mercy Health Centre in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma to be induced overnight and seen by my doctor in the morning. Once settled into our room, I was started on a drug to thin out and dilate the cervix and cause uterine contractions. This drug is usually given once every 4 hours, but I was very sensitive to it – it caused me to have too many contractions – so they stopped at only one dose. The rest of the night was ours, so we watched a couple of episodes of Heroes (TV show) and then tried to get some sleep. My contractions weren’t very bad, but I had a hard time getting any sleep. At 4:30 the next morning I was given Pitocin to increase the intensity of the contractions. At this point I was only at 2cms dilated. The Pitocin did it’s job, but again, I was super sensitive to this drug and they had to decrease the amount given. On the level of Pitocin that they started me on, my uterus was not getting enough rest in between contractions – so they had to slow things down. From 4:30-8:00am I think I dilated to 3.5cms. Again I got very little sleep.

At 8am on Thursday, 13th August, my doctor broke my water. Even before she finished her exam I was in so much pain, and my contractions were now extremely intense. My doctor said that I could now get an epidural whenever I felt like I needed it. I told her that it wouldn’t be long before I’d be asking for it!

Contractions from then on were so so painful. After the first couple of contractions Chris convinced me to use the breathing techniques we’d practiced at our birth class. I felt silly at first but then gave in. Chris helped me breathe through all my contractions – he was a champ. I was so grateful because I was in no position to distract myself from the pain. For this particular breathing method, he would tell me a number of breaths to take and we would breathe that number together. I was surprised at how well this got me through all the contractions.

Now, by the time I told the nurse that I was ready for an epidural, the anesthesiologist was taken away to an emergency caesarean. Around 9:15am the nurse offered me some pain medication that would “take the edge off” and I accepted. The nurse told me that I should feel light-headed pretty much straight away. She was right, and I felt pretty funny and a little out-of-it. I still remember the contractions being painful though. It wasn’t until 10am that I finally got that epidural! That meant 2 hours of breathing through painful contractions! I was proud of myself and very thankful for my extremely supportive husband!

By the time I got the epidural, I was at about 4cms. Let me just say that the epidural was absolutely amazing. I could now look at the monitor, see that I was having a contraction, and relax because I couldn’t feel it. I was so completely exhausted from very little sleep and 2 hours of contractions, that I basically slept the next couple of hours. Nurses were in and out and I can hardly remember because I was having the best sleep ever!! Eventually, I started noticing the epidural wearing off in one little spot on my left side. The anesthesiologist had told me that if that happened, he could “top me off” to numb that spot again. I could now tell once again when I was having a contraction and I was somewhat uncomfortable. Since I now knew what it was like to experience pain-free contractions, I wanted that again, especially since I had no idea how much longer this would take. At that time, however, the anesthesiologist was once again rushed off to another emergency caesarean (we found out later that 3 of the 4 births up to that point in the day were emergency caesareans). I can’t remember what time the epidural started to wear off in that one spot, but by approximately 12 noon I was at 6cms. Then around 2:30pm my nurse came in to check my progress. After examining me, she said, “Oh my, you’re ready to push! I need to go call your doctor! You’re at 10cms.” She was so surprised that things had moved along so quickly. The delivery room was then quickly set up, and my doctor arrived. I pushed from approximately 2:30pm until obviously 2:53pm when Emmett was born – all 9lbs 1oz of him!!! The doctor and nurses were completely surprised by the size of him, and at how quickly this first time mum laboured and delivered!!! Yay! I did end up having a “small” episiotomy, so the doctor then stitched me up and in no time I was holding my baby. It was all so quick and strangely surreal. Now, since I had not received that epidural top up, I was up and about not too long after that (I believe I did anyway, can’t remember exactly). Not long after I was mobile, we were moved to our new room where we stayed until being discharged.

I really had quite a good experience all round, and I am so thankful that everything went so well. Not including the overnight stay at the hospital (as not much happened), it took 7 hours from breaking my water to holding my baby! And so there was Emmett Ian. Born the 13th August and home on the 15th August. He is doing really well at home and we couldn’t be happier! He is such a sweetie and isn’t too fussy (yet). I think we only had one really tough night where there was very little sleep, but the other nights have not been too bad. And he sleeps so much better now that he is actually getting milk! Oh and just for the record: Engorgement is one of the worst things I’ve experienced….and I just gave birth!

Emmett had his first trip to the pediatrician on the 18th August. We were happy to hear that Emmett is already gaining weight – when we left the hospital, Emmett had lost 6% of his birth weight and weighed 8lbs 9oz. At our appointment, 5 days after birth, he weighed 8lbs 13oz.

As expected, we’ve already taken approximately 1 million photos – as he is quite simply the cutest baby ever. We cannot get over how cute his is. Chris comments on his cuteness every time he looks at Emmett – it’s so lovely seeing Chris with him too. We are thrilled to be the parents of this little guy. He’s wonderful and perfect and I couldn’t be happier right now.

And now it’s photo time. I have so many to choose from – so I’m just going to go ahead and go crazy!

Emmett Ian Malan 007- settling in

Emmett Ian Malan 033.1

Emmett Ian Malan 040- brand new baby

Emmett with Aunty Adrienne and cousin Ben

Emmett Ian Malan 042- cousin ben

Emmett Ian Malan 052- comb over

A very proud Daddy.

Emmett Ian Malan 060- proud daddy

Emmett with Uncle Les and Aunty Jackie

Emmett Ian Malan 064- les & jack

Emmett Ian Malan 074- cuddles with Daddy

Emmett Ian Malan 076- with Daddy

Emmett Ian Malan 087- with Mummy

Emmett Ian Malan 093- with Mummy

Emmett Ian Malan 098- sleeping

Emmett Ian Malan 104- getting dressed

Emmett Ian Malan 108- with Mummy

Emmett Ian Malan 144- close up

Emmett Ian Malan 147- with the boys

Emmett Ian Malan 149- getting some sun

About to have a sponge bath…..he has no idea what’s about to happen!!!

Emmett Ian Malan 152- has no idea

Wait for it!!!……

Emmett Ian Malan 158- really doesnt like it

Emmett with Uncle Damien

Emmett Ian Malan 163- with uncle D

Emmett with Aunty Jackie

Emmett Ian Malan 165- with aunty Jack Jack

Asleep with Daddy

Emmett Ian Malan 168- asleep with Daddy

Emmett Ian Malan 175- in the sun

Emmett Ian Malan 196- loves Daddy

Emmett Ian Malan 211- in mummys lap

Emmett Ian Malan 214- sleeping on mummys lap

“Look at me holding my head up!”

Emmett Ian Malan 224- holding my head up

He’s perfect and we love him so much. Welcome to our family, baby Emmett!!!

1 comment:

  1. That video is amazing. Amazing. I love that little guy. And I can't believe how well he is holding his head up already! Well done Shell and Chris. Good team, good birth story and great baby.
